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Summary of Patient with venlafaxine-induced diurnal bruxism: A Case Report

Long-term follow-up of a patient with venlafaxine-induced diurnal bruxism treated with an occlusal splint

Jia-Min Chen and Ying Yan


PMC6397809 (Ref ID)

Chosen Image filename: PMC6397809_Figure_03.jpg

Document structure and format:

I. Introduction

The research paper titled "Long-term follow-up of a patient with venlafaxine-induced diurnal bruxism treated with an occlusal splint: A case report" discusses the successful treatment of venlafaxine-induced diurnal bruxism (DB) using an occlusal splint. The paper highlights the rarity and refractory nature of secondary DB, especially those induced by antidepressants, and the lack of long-term follow-up studies. The research aims to provide insights into the therapeutic effects of the occlusal splint in managing venlafaxine-induced DB.

II. Methodology

The research utilized a case report study design. Detailed information about a patient with venlafaxine-induced DB was collected over a period of 7 years. Data included the patient's medical history, symptoms, dental examination findings, and radiographic examinations. The occlusal splint, specifically designed for non-centric bruxism, was used as an intervention. Regular occlusal adjustments were performed as needed.

III. Results

The key findings of the research indicate that the use of the occlusal splint led to the remission of symptoms and control of tooth grinding activity in the patient. The grinding activity was gradually and stably controlled after 2 years, with almost complete recovery from DB after 6 years of treatment. The patient consistently took venlafaxine, quetiapine, and lorazepam throughout the 7-year follow-up period.

IV. Discussion

The results of the study indicate that the maxillary buccal-pterygoid splint can be an effective noninvasive approach for treating venlafaxine-induced DB. The findings contribute to the existing literature on antidepressant-induced DB, which mostly consists of anecdotal reports without long-term follow-up. The research highlights the significance of occlusal splints in managing venlafaxine-induced DB and suggests the need for further studies to explore the therapeutic effects of drug interventions.

V. Conclusion

In summary, the research paper presents a detailed long-term follow-up of a patient with venlafaxine-induced DB treated with an occlusal splint. The study demonstrates the effectiveness of the maxillary buccal-pterygoid splint in controlling tooth grinding activity and provides valuable insights into the treatment of venlafaxine-induced DB. More research is needed to validate these findings and explore other therapeutic approaches for managing secondary DB.

Figure 1 - Panoramic radiograph indicating a fresh extraction socket in #45 and suspected root fracture in #26. Multiple molar teeth (#45, #17, #27, #37, and #47) were lost.
Courtesy of PMC6397809


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