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TMS As a Therapy Approach to Bruxism

Updated: Mar 15

Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (TMS) is an emerging and innovative approach to the treatment of bruxism, a dental condition characterized by the grinding and clenching of teeth, often during sleep. Unlike traditional methods that primarily focus on managing dental complications or addressing stress-related factors, TMS targets the neurological aspect of bruxism.

By stimulating specific areas of the brain associated with motor control and muscle activity, TMS aims to interrupt the abnormal muscle contractions responsible for bruxism episodes. In this short exploration, we will delve into the mechanisms and benefits of TMS for bruxism treatment, as well as its potential as a transformative therapeutic option for individuals seeking relief from this common dental disorder.

1. Understanding Bruxism: Causes and Symptoms

Bruxism, a dental condition affecting both adults and children, is characterized by the excessive grinding, clenching, or gnashing of teeth. It most commonly occurs during sleep, known as sleep bruxism, but it can also manifest during waking hours, termed awake bruxism. Understanding the causes and symptoms of bruxism is crucial for timely diagnosis and effective management.

Causes of Bruxism:

Young adult male with hand rubbing his forehead seemingly exhausted from the pain of teeth grinding and clenching
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The exact cause of bruxism is multifactorial and often not entirely clear. However, several contributing factors have been identified, including:

1. Stress and Anxiety: Emotional stress and anxiety are linked to an increased risk of bruxism. The grinding of teeth may be a subconscious response to emotional tension or psychological stress.

2. Dental and Jaw Alignment: Malocclusion, or misalignment of the teeth, can trigger bruxism. In some cases, the condition is a result of the jaw's improper alignment, known as temporomandibular joint disorders (TMJ).

3. Sleep Disorders: Bruxism is frequently associated with sleep-related disorders, such as sleep apnea. The interruption of sleep patterns can influence bruxism episodes during the night.

4. Lifestyle Factors: Habits like excessive alcohol consumption, smoking, and the use of certain drugs can exacerbate bruxism.

Symptoms of Bruxism:

young adult female with hands on her head exasperated with headache pain from bruxism.
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Bruxism may present a range of symptoms, and their severity can vary among individuals. Common signs and symptoms include:

1. Tooth Damage: Worn down, flattened, or chipped teeth are telltale signs of bruxism.

2. Jaw Pain and Fatigue: Persistent pain or tightness in the jaw muscles, especially in the morning, may indicate bruxism.

3. Headaches: Frequent headaches, particularly upon waking, can be associated with teeth grinding.

4. Earaches: Bruxism-related muscle tension can cause pain in the ears.

5. Sleep Disturbances: Bruxism can disrupt sleep patterns, leading to restless sleep and daytime drowsiness.

Understanding the causes and recognizing the symptoms of bruxism are vital for early intervention and preventing further dental complications. Dental professionals and healthcare providers play a crucial role in diagnosing and guiding patients toward appropriate treatment strategies.

2. TMS (Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation): An Innovative Approach to Bruxism Treatment

Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (TMS) has emerged as a groundbreaking and non-invasive medical technique used in various neurological and psychiatric conditions. In recent years, researchers have explored the potential of TMS as an innovative approach to bruxism treatment. TMS offers a novel way to manage bruxism by targeting the neurological mechanisms that underlie this condition.

Adult male with TMS instrument and cap on his head along with electronic computer equipment in the room.
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TMS involves the application of magnetic pulses to specific areas of the brain. These magnetic pulses generate electrical currents that stimulate neural activity in the targeted brain regions. By modulating the neural circuits responsible for motor control and muscle activity, TMS aims to interrupt the abnormal muscle contractions associated with bruxism.

The use of TMS for bruxism treatment holds several advantages. Firstly, it provides a non-invasive alternative to traditional treatment methods, such as dental appliances or medications. Unlike surgical interventions, TMS does not require any injections, incisions or implants, which minimizes the risk of complications (typical for other treatments) and reduces recovery time.

TMS Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation treatment diagrammatic explanation through artwork and caricature of male adult
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Secondly, TMS directly addresses the neurological component of bruxism, complementing other treatment approaches that mainly focus on managing dental complications or stress-related factors. By targeting the brain circuits involved in involuntary muscle movements, TMS offers a more comprehensive and holistic approach to bruxism management.

However, it is essential to acknowledge that TMS for bruxism is still an emerging field, and further research is needed to establish its long-term efficacy and safety. Collaborative efforts between dental professionals and neurologists are crucial in refining TMS treatment protocols and optimizing outcomes for individuals seeking relief from bruxism symptoms.


3. How TMS Works for Bruxism: Mechanisms and Benefits

Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (TMS) works by utilizing electromagnetic coils to generate powerful and focused magnetic fields. These magnetic fields safely penetrate the scalp and skull to stimulate specific areas of the brain associated with motor control and muscle activity. When applied to the treatment of bruxism, TMS targets the brain regions responsible for regulating jaw muscle movements, which are implicated in teeth grinding and clenching behaviors.

The mechanisms underlying the benefits of TMS for bruxism are complex yet promising. The magnetic pulses induce small electrical currents in the targeted brain regions, promoting neural plasticity and affecting the neural circuits involved in bruxism. By modulating the activity of these circuits, TMS aims to reduce the frequency and intensity of bruxism episodes.

One potential benefit of TMS for bruxism is its ability to be customized to each patient's needs. TMS parameters, such as the frequency and intensity of the magnetic pulses, can be adjusted to optimize treatment outcomes for individual patients.

Furthermore, TMS is a non-invasive procedure, meaning it does not involve surgery or the administration of medications. As a result, TMS offers a safer treatment option compared to more invasive interventions, with a reduced risk of adverse effects.

Young woman resting on her bed comfortable and well after TMS treatment
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Additionally, TMS for bruxism management is not dependent on dental appliances that may cause discomfort or hinder daily activities. Instead, it addresses the neurological aspect of bruxism, making it a potentially more convenient and patient-friendly treatment option.

As with any medical procedure, there may be variations in individual responses to TMS for bruxism. Some patients may experience significant symptom improvement, while others may respond more moderately. Ongoing research and clinical studies are essential to further elucidate the mechanisms of TMS in bruxism management and to identify factors that influence treatment outcomes.

Overall, TMS offers a promising and innovative approach to bruxism treatment, addressing the neurological underpinnings of the condition. While additional research is needed to fully understand its long-term efficacy and optimal application, TMS holds great potential for enhancing the quality of life for individuals living with bruxism.

4. Assessing Eligibility for TMS Bruxism Treatment

Before considering Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (TMS) as a treatment option for bruxism, a thorough assessment of the patient's condition and medical history is essential. Eligibility for TMS bruxism treatment depends on several factors that need careful evaluation by healthcare professionals.

Firstly, a comprehensive dental examination is conducted to confirm the diagnosis of bruxism and assess the extent of dental damage caused by teeth grinding and clenching. A dental professional will also look for any dental issues that may be exacerbating the bruxism symptoms, such as malocclusion or temporomandibular joint disorders (TMJ).

adult male lying down with shirt off while a healthcare provider applies the TMS treatment to his back
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Secondly, a neurologist or a healthcare provider trained in TMS will evaluate the patient's neurological health and suitability for TMS treatment. This involves assessing the patient's overall physical health, mental health, and any pre-existing neurological conditions that might affect the response to TMS.

Additionally, a psychological evaluation may be carried out to identify any underlying stress, anxiety, or other emotional factors contributing to bruxism. Addressing these factors alongside TMS treatment can lead to more comprehensive and successful outcomes.

Ultimately, the decision to undergo TMS bruxism treatment will be based on a collaborative effort between dental professionals and neurologists, taking into account the patient's unique circumstances, medical history, and the severity of their bruxism symptoms.

5. TMS Treatment Protocol for Bruxism: Step-by-Step Guide

image showing transcranial magnetic stimulation (tms) treatment steps (6) and protocol for bruxism
TMS Treatments,

The TMS treatment protocol for bruxism involves a structured and systematic approach to ensure safety, efficacy, and patient comfort throughout the process. The following is a step-by-step guide to the typical TMS treatment protocol for bruxism:

Step 1: Comprehensive Assessment - As mentioned earlier, a thorough evaluation of the patient's dental, neurological, and psychological health is conducted to determine eligibility for TMS treatment.

Step 2: Individualized Treatment Plan - Based on the assessment results, a personalized TMS treatment plan is developed, considering the specific areas of the brain that need stimulation and the optimal TMS parameters.

Step 3: Preparing the Patient - The patient is informed about the TMS procedure, its potential benefits, and any possible side effects. Informed consent is obtained before proceeding.

Step 4: TMS Session - During the TMS session, the patient sits comfortably, and a specialized TMS coil is placed on the scalp, targeting the predetermined brain regions. Magnetic pulses are delivered to stimulate neural activity.

Step 5: Monitoring and Adjustments - Throughout the treatment course, the patient's response to TMS is closely monitored, and adjustments to the stimulation parameters may be made to optimize outcomes.

Step 6: Follow-Up Care - After completing the prescribed TMS sessions, the patient undergoes regular follow-up evaluations to assess the treatment's effectiveness and address any concerns.

6. Safety and Side Effects of TMS in Bruxism Management

male neurologist and female healthcare worker talking about the benefits, safety and side effects of tms, Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation
Courtesy of

Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (TMS) is generally considered safe for bruxism management, but like any medical intervention, it may carry some potential side effects and risks. It is crucial for patients to be well-informed about these aspects before undergoing TMS treatment.

Common side effects of TMS for bruxism are usually mild and transient. They may include headaches, scalp discomfort, mild muscle twitching, or tingling sensations in the face or scalp during the procedure. These effects typically subside shortly after each session.

Serious adverse events associated with TMS are rare, but they can occur. These may include seizures, hearing impairment if the auditory cortex is stimulated, or the induction of mild mood changes. The risk of such events is minimized through proper patient selection, accurate coil positioning, and adherence to established safety protocols.

Before initiating TMS treatment, patients are thoroughly screened to identify any contraindications. Individuals with metal implants or devices in their head or neck region, a history of seizures or epilepsy, or certain neurological or psychiatric conditions may not be eligible for TMS or require modified treatment approaches.

It is essential that TMS for bruxism is administered by trained healthcare professionals who are experienced in using this technique. Regular monitoring and follow-up care are crucial to evaluate the treatment's progress, ensure patient safety, and adjust the treatment plan as needed.

Overall, the safety and effectiveness of TMS in bruxism management makes it a promising therapeutic option, but comprehensive evaluation and ongoing care are necessary to achieve optimal outcomes while minimizing potential risks.

Brux Quiz (Getting Results) images for three (3) free anonymous bruxism quizzes to assess symptoms, traits & lifestyles & treatments
Free Anonymous Tools for Assessing Bruxism Symptoms, Traits & Lifestyle and Treatments

7. Combining TMS with Other Therapies for Bruxism

While Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (TMS) shows promising potential as a treatment for bruxism, combining it with other therapeutic approaches can lead to a more comprehensive and effective management strategy. By addressing different aspects of bruxism simultaneously, this integrated approach aims to enhance treatment outcomes and provide patients with a more well-rounded care plan.

One common combination is integrating TMS with behavioral therapies, such as cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT). CBT helps patients identify and modify thought patterns and behaviors associated with bruxism, reducing stress and anxiety that may contribute to teeth grinding and clenching [2]. When combined with TMS, CBT can enhance the overall management of bruxism by targeting both the neurological and psychological aspects of the condition.

image explaining cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) as a cycle of behavior, thoughts & feelings
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Additionally, dental interventions like mouthguards or splints may be utilized alongside TMS treatment. These devices serve to protect teeth from the damaging effects of bruxism while TMS works to modify the underlying neural activity. The integration of dental appliances with TMS can promote dental health and prevent further complications from teeth grinding.

Furthermore, relaxation techniques, stress management, and lifestyle adjustments can complement TMS treatment by promoting a calm and stress-free environment for patients. By adopting a holistic approach that combines TMS with other therapies, healthcare professionals can offer patients a comprehensive and personalized treatment plan for managing their bruxism effectively.

8. Managing Progress and Follow-Up Care with TMS for Bruxism

The successful management of bruxism with Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (TMS) requires diligent progress monitoring and appropriate follow-up care. After the initial TMS sessions, tracking the patient's response and making necessary adjustments are crucial for optimizing treatment outcomes.

Following each TMS session, patients may be asked to provide feedback on any changes they notice in their bruxism symptoms. Regular communication between the patient and the healthcare provider allows for the evaluation of treatment progress and the identification of any emerging issues.

Objective measures, such as dental examinations and imaging, can complement patient-reported outcomes to assess improvements in teeth wear and overall dental health. Comparison of before-and-after dental records can provide valuable insights into the effectiveness of TMS in managing bruxism.

Depending on the patient's response to TMS treatment, the healthcare team may decide to adjust the stimulation parameters or extend the treatment duration to achieve the desired therapeutic effects fully.

Furthermore, long-term follow-up care is essential to ensure that the benefits of TMS are sustained over time. Patients may be advised to implement lifestyle changes, stress-reduction techniques, and self-care strategies to maintain the positive outcomes achieved through TMS.

Through attentive monitoring, timely adjustments, and ongoing support, healthcare professionals can guide patients towards lasting relief from bruxism symptoms while maximizing the benefits of TMS treatment.

9. TMS Bruxism Treatment: Research and Clinical Evidence

The use of Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (TMS) for bruxism treatment is a relatively new area of research, but existing studies and clinical evidence show promising results.

Several research studies have explored the neurological basis of bruxism and have identified specific brain regions associated with the condition [1]. TMS provides a non-invasive means to modulate activity in these regions, which has led to interest in using TMS as a potential therapeutic approach.

Preliminary clinical trials and case studies have shown that TMS can reduce the frequency and intensity of bruxism episodes in some individuals. Patients who underwent TMS treatment reported improvements in symptoms such as teeth grinding, jaw pain, and headaches [3].

However, it is essential to acknowledge that TMS for bruxism is still an evolving field, and more comprehensive randomized controlled trials are needed to establish its long-term efficacy and safety. Additionally, the optimal stimulation parameters, treatment frequency, and the ideal candidates for TMS bruxism treatment require further investigation.

As research continues, healthcare professionals can gain a deeper understanding of how TMS interacts with the neural circuits involved in bruxism and refine treatment protocols accordingly. Collaboration between dental professionals, neurologists, and researchers is critical to advancing the evidence base and expanding the therapeutic options for bruxism management using TMS.

10. Exploring the Future of Bruxism Management with TMS

happy middle-aged male and female couple embracing a better life after TMS treatment
Courtesy of

As the field of medical research and technology continues to advance, Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (TMS) is emerging as a promising avenue for the future of bruxism management. The potential of TMS lies in its ability to target the neurological aspects of bruxism, offering a novel approach to complement existing treatment modalities. As we delve into the future of bruxism management, here are some key aspects to consider:

Personalized Treatment Plans: With ongoing research and data collection, TMS for bruxism is likely to evolve toward more personalized treatment plans. By analyzing an individual's specific brain activity patterns and the underlying causes of their bruxism, healthcare professionals can tailor TMS protocols to address each patient's unique needs. Personalized treatment plans may involve optimizing stimulation parameters, targeting specific brain regions, and integrating TMS with other therapies for enhanced efficacy.

Remote TMS Monitoring: Advancements in telemedicine and remote patient monitoring could revolutionize TMS treatment for bruxism. The ability to remotely monitor patients undergoing TMS sessions can streamline the follow-up process and enable healthcare providers to assess treatment progress more efficiently. Real-time data collection and analysis can help identify patterns of improvement and aid in making prompt adjustments to the treatment plan as needed.

TMS Devices for Home Use: As TMS technology becomes more refined and user-friendly, there is potential for the development of TMS devices designed for home use. This could empower patients to administer TMS treatments under the guidance of healthcare professionals remotely. However, careful consideration of safety and appropriate usage protocols would be essential to ensure the effectiveness and safety of at-home TMS for bruxism.

Long-Term Efficacy Studies: Continued research and long-term clinical trials are vital for establishing the sustained efficacy and safety of TMS in bruxism management. Longitudinal studies can shed light on the durability of TMS effects, potential side effects over extended periods, and the impact of TMS on patients' overall quality of life.

Combined Therapies and Multi-Modal Approaches: The future of bruxism management with TMS may involve the integration of various therapeutic modalities to address different aspects of the condition comprehensively. Combining TMS with behavioral therapies, dental interventions, or pharmacological approaches could offer a synergistic effect, leading to improved patient outcomes.

Overall, the future of bruxism management with TMS holds great promise. As research and technology continue to advance, TMS has the potential to revolutionize how we approach the treatment of bruxism by providing innovative, non-invasive, and personalized solutions for patients seeking relief from this common dental condition. However, it is crucial to proceed with cautious optimism, conducting robust research and adhering to ethical standards to ensure the safety and effectiveness of TMS in bruxism management.


While TMS shows promising results in early studies and clinical trials, further research is required to establish its long-term efficacy, safety, and optimal application. Collaborative efforts between dental professionals, neurologists, and researchers are vital to refining TMS treatment protocols and expanding our understanding of its impact on bruxism management.

As the future of bruxism management unfolds, TMS holds great potential to revolutionize how we approach the treatment of this common dental condition. With ongoing advancements in technology and medical research, TMS may become more widely accessible and integrated into comprehensive care plans for individuals suffering from bruxism. As we move forward, TMS remains an exciting frontier in dental and neurological health, offering new possibilities for those seeking effective and holistic solutions to manage bruxism and improve their overall well-being.



[1] Balderson NL, et al. (2019). Mechanistic link between right prefrontal cortical activity and anxious arousal revealed using transcranial magnetic stimulation in healthy subjects.

[2] Cirillo P, et al. (2019). Transcranial magnetic stimulation in anxiety and trauma‐related disorders: A systematic review and meta‐analysis.

[3] Goudra B, et al. (2017). Repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation in chronic pain: A meta-analysis.


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