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How are Others Treating their Bruxism?
You got this!
Over 30% of the population experiences clenching, grinding or what is known as Bruxism.  What treatments have you tried?
( takes less than 1 minute, typically )
1 - pharmacology (medications orally taken) (select all that apply) optional
2 - pharmacology (injection) (select all that apply) optional
3 - biofeedback (select all that apply) optional
4 - physical therapy (select all that apply) optional
5 - psychotherapy, behavioral & mental health management (select all that apply) optional
6 - diet or home remedy(ies) (optional - enter one or more, with the best listed first)
7 - other treatment(s) (optional - enter one or more, with the best listed first)s
8 - intraoral nightguard or mouthguard purchased at a store over-the-counter (OTC) (select all that apply) optional
9 - intraoral appliance provided by a dental profesonal aka occlusal stabilization splint (OSS) (select all that apply) optional
10 - if you’ve used a night guard, mouthguard, splint, etc., how do you prefer to wear it? (select all that apply) optional
11 - If you’ve used a night guard, mouthguard, splint, etc., do you still experience any soreness, rawness, swelling or tingling on your cheeks or tongue? (select one) optional
12 - Have you participated in a clinical trial or reseach study before (select one) optional
13 - Would you like to be notified and considered for a clinical trial or research study? (select one) optional
14 - Have you experienced success treating Bruxism? (select one) required

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